Show-casing the champions of the future.
Governed by the ORCi - Drivers aged 11-16 compete in strengthened 1000cc Minis under strictly supervised and non/limited contact rules.
For more details visit the official ORCi website here
Drivers aged 7 - 11 compete in Brisca Micro F2, the baby brother of the F2 and strictly for fun with non contact rules. |
Drivers compete in custom built chassis, single seat stock cars. The pinto engine has been the engine of choice for some years but drivers are now trialling the zetec for the future. |
Saloonstox are a full contact formula that allows drivers to hit there opposition as hard and as often as they like, provided they do not intentionally follow them into the tyrewall.These cars are based around Sierra, and more recently, Vectra and Mondeo shells. The cars are rear wheel drive running on a Ford 2.0 Pinto engine. The cars are re-enforced with steel bumpers and through chassis, ensuring that these cars are very difficult to bend! |
Hot Saloons are a non-contact formula with close racing between drivers of all grades. These are standard saloon type cars which have been modified with a roll cage to become sleek looking race cars. Drivers are currently using a variety of engines with the Honda V-tec proving popular in recent years. |
These are a full contact formula, which is not for the faint hearted. These cars can be based around any chassis, and do not have any re-enforcing other than an H Frame roll cage and a door plate to protect the drivers. These are a budget formula where all you really need is an old scrap car and a roll cage.
This formula allows you to hit the opposition as hard as you can, and normally finishes off with an end of season demolition derby where the last car running wins.
We have three classes of bangers, Small Bangers which are limited to a maximum of 1400cc, Big Bangers which are unlimited and Micro Bangers (run to Spedeworth specificiations). |